Monday, October 18, 2004

Tonight's the Night!

Getting a little nervous now! We didn't do anything festival related yesterday. Tonight, however, is our first screening of HEMPMENTO at 6:30 p.m. Brad called me last night at about 9 and said tonight's showing was completely sold out, and Wednesday night's has fewer than 30 seats left. I keep checking and double checking to make sure I've got my tickets, my pass, all that stuff. Throughout the festival I've come to realize that we are pushing our short much, much more than most other short filmmakers. Our promo cards are everywhere, we're talking nonstop about it to everyone we can. I guess that's a bit out of the ordinary. It appears many shorts filmmakers just kind of put their movie in there and wait for people to come see it. Ah well. I'm not sure how many people will be coming specifically to see HEMPMENTO, how many will be coming specifically to see another short, and how many will be coming just to see the shorts program, but whatever their reason, they're going to see our film. And that's exciting as hell.

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