Monday, July 02, 2007
Enough with the heat already.
After three straight days of it hitting triple digits, we're finally getting a reprieve. Not. Every year I complain about temps in the 90s, and every year I am completely ignored. And for those of you in Arizona or Nevada or some other "It's always hot here" area, DO NOT POST A "YEBBUT" COMMENT! You chose to live on the sun. You are supposed to be hot and miserable all summer long. Not me. When I moved to Denver, it was warm and sunny and perfect, and it rained every afternoon for an hour to cool things off and give the vegetation a drink of water. Now? It's just goddamn hot and dry. We had a wonderfully rainy spring, which filled us all with hope for a summer like the old days. Then, a couple weeks ago, hope took a donkey punch to the back of the head.
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That's weird. I rarely see that phrase, yet this morning while driving to work I saw a license plate "DNKYPCH" and wondered what the hell it was. At a stoplight, I saw around the frame "Donkey Punch Clothing" and a website.
It's hot here too. I'm wearing only one sweater today.
Today's high is supposed to be around 77 degrees, the sky is clear blue with wispy clouds, and there's a wonderful breeze. Perfect weather.
P.S. I was hell on wheels last night driving my golf card. Vroom Vroom!
Wow..had no idea you were so hot these days... Our A/C died on Thursday, and in St. Louis that is huge major deal in July.
But, as our luck would have it, it has been in the 60's at night and 70s during the day this whole weekend. Very strange, not normal, but we are happy....
Today getting the new A/C furnace combo mega unit installed, for mega $$$ what a drag.
We'll be up in Traverse at the end of the month and can't wait!!! Michigan in summer, can't be beat.
At least it's a dry heat ;)
And you don't have to wear hose to work, far as we know.
YEBBUT it's about 85 and breezy here in the North Bay...
That's true, he doesn't HAVE TO wear the hose.......
I know how you feel, Jeff. I took off to the mountains today to cool off in the high altitude, and it was still frigging hot up there.
I feel your pain... but still, summer hasn't even started in London yet... :-/
I COULDN'T.AGREE.MORE. I want 70's & low 80's for more than a day kthxbye.
"Michigan in summer, can't be beat."
Man, I dunno, Krissy. I do NOT miss those dog days when it's 90 with 100% humidity at all. Now, when it's in the upper 70s, that's heavenly. Especially at my Ma's on the lake!
Jodie wrote: At least it's a dry heat ;)
You know it, sistah!
Kos you big whiner, why don't you just move to New Zealand for the months of July and Hogust?
we're having the opposite problem here. with highs it the low 70s, I'm still waiting for a damned summer to start!!
OK...I'll rephrase that so as to perhaps be a little bit more clear.. Summer in Michigan can't be beat when you are up north, preferably somewhere between Frankfort and Petoskey....on the beach, in a kayak, in a canoe, on the top of a 450 ft. sand dune.... get da picture now?
I know what you mean though, there is usually a week or 2 of the nasty summer weather - which we have here in St. Louis pretty much from June through September.
We'll be up there first week in August...just in time for the T.C. Film Festival!
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