Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sorry, one final thought.

This is what's important.


AJ said...

Amen. :-)

Looney said...


I'm gonna miss the ol' BD...

Anonymous said...

This is the stuff I'm going to the video interviews with Sam.... drat.

Beware: Social Worker on the edge said...

It truly is...enjoy!

Granny Snark said...

I keep coming back here ... damn, I miss those kids.

Anonymous said...

Man...I just found you and now you're gone..
Cheers and take care!

O' Tim said...

Hey I got a photo just like that, except it's of Max and he's not in a pool with two girls.

Kos said...

Sounds identical, except for all the differences.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Is that my future grandson-in-law, Sam? You know I'm partial.

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Oh...and one final thought.

Do cows have spots because the do not use Cascade?

Ok that was more of a question.