Friday, June 22, 2007

I just saved a boatload of money switching to...


I checked Geico, but the lizard was more than what we were paying. AAA, however, just came in $700 cheaper per year for our auto insurance. $700! That's worth switching for. It did make me wonder, though, what the hell goes into determining insurance rates? I mean, our former company and AAA figured our rates based on the same exact criteria, and AAA came in $700 cheaper for the year. The AAA agent told me that in Colorado, they pretty much beat anyone's rates. I don't get it. Don't get me wrong; I'm ecstatic that we'll now have an extra $700 to spend on my daughters' shoes. It's just a reminder that A) when you can shop around, you should, and you should never assume you're getting the best deal, and B) when you can't shop around -- like for utilities or health insurance (if supplied by your employer) or auto registrations or sales tax rates -- it's a real pisser.


Anonymous said...

I tried calling Geico once, but after spending most of that 15 minutes they talk about on hold, I hung up.

Sour Grapes said...

Caveat emptor. The most likely reason you're paying less in, is because you're going to be getting less out at the other end (God forbid there should be an other end). Insurance companies are not in business to give away money: you need to check you really are comparing like with like.

Deadman said...


If I were you I'd spend it on golf lessons...

Kos said...

"you need to check you really are comparing like with like."

I went line-by-line with the AAA agent, comparing what we currently had with Liberty Mutual to what he was inputting for AAA. The coverages are identical.

Anonymous said...

Liberty Mutual has a discount for MSU Alumni....I checked with them when we lived in IL, got a better deal w/Country when adding in the house/car discount. In MO, we get a better deal with Am Family..but, good point, I should review every few years... I do know that Am Fam has always been more than fair with claims with folks we know..I always put some weight into referrals.

Paticus said...

You had better luck with AAA than me...When we lived in L.A., I contacted them for a quote(admittedly on a car that had spent the previous year uninsured) and they got back to me a YEAR later. I had totally forgotten I had asked them for one, and, of course had moved on.

Don said...

I don't know from prices but AAA is great, with the towing service and free maps and travel agents on and on. I tend to forget they do insurance too.